Quantum Computational Chemistry Group

Who are we?
We are a young, progressive, interdisciplinary group conducting research in quantum chemistry. Our goal is to elevate quantum-chemical simulations to a truly predictive level, thus unlocking their potential for accelerating chemical discovery and addressing pressing societal challenges.
Our research is devoted to developing modern density functional theory (DFT) and bridging the gap between DFT and wavefunction theories. We address the long-standing challenge of strong electronic correlations within DFT and are constructing a pure quantum-chemical framework for precisely describing challenging noncovalent interactions. Our ultimate aim is to stretch the limits of quantum-chemical simulations by establishing a unified, affordable, and accurate framework for simulating both strongly correlated systems—including transition metal catalysts, metal-organic frameworks, open-shell radicals, and functional materials—and noncovalent interactions on the same footing.
Critical Use of AI in Quantum Chemistry
We are looking forward to welcoming you next Monday at University of Fribourg for the SCS Symposium on AI 2024.
Registration and the Welcome Coffee will be open at 09.00h.
At 09.30h we will start with the official program of the symposium.
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Data-driven models
Our paper on how to make chemical data-driven models accepted in Chemical Science

Belgrade talk
Stefan gives talk at Noncovalent Interactions Conference in Belgrade