Ready to join us?

Apply to join our team at the intersection of machine learning and quantum chemistry by completing the form below!

CV and cover letter should be one pdf file

MS/BS/Visiting Students

•   MS/BS: If you are a MS/BS student from UNIFR and want to do research with us. Check our recent publications to get an idea what we are doing. 

•   Visiting students: If you are a BS/MS/PhD student from another university and intersting in a project / internship with us.

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PhD Students

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD in our group, get in touch with us. Additionally, excellent applicants will receive support for individual fellowships for PhD studies, such as Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships and Chinese CSC Scholarships.

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Postdoc opportunities

We are happy to support excellent candidates for their postdoctoral fellowship applications, such as:

•    SNSF Swiss Postdoc Fellowship
•    Postdoc Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
•    National Outgoing Postdoc Fellowships, such as Dutch Rubicon

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Early-career opportunities

If you want to start a career as an independent reasearcher in chemical theory or fields that has an overlap with what we are doing, SNSF's Ambizione can be a great chance for you. If you are eligable to apply for Ambizione, get in touch with us.

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